Wednesday, December 2, 2009

The Beaches of Paris

As Christmas approaches and the festive decor cmagically appears around Paris the sky turns grey and the wind blows bitter. I am hibernating at home recovering from an emergency appendectomy and listening to the rythym of the rain tap against the window. It's a beautiful sound, but I cannot help but dream wistfully of the warmth of the summer sun and the Plages de Paris, the "beaches of Paris". Every summer a boardwalk is installed along the banks of the Seine between Pont Neuf and the Pont des Arts. Potted palms, cabanas, and ice cream vendors line the riverbank, sunbathers take full advantage of the opportunity, and crowds of people flock for the great parisian pastime: peoplewatching! Children scream with delight as they play under the cool mist emanating from large metal umbrellas. Street musicians strum their guitars and sing, the bateux lumber by ferrying loads of tourists, and college students gather on the Pont des Arts to have a smoke, a bottle of wine, and to perhaps sell a watercolour or some homemade jewelry. The location is prime, across the river is the Conciergerie where Marie Antoinette was held prisoner before her execution. Standing on the Pont des Arts one has a perfect view of the Ilse St. Louis, Notre Dame, and the steeple of St. Chappelle-considered to be the greatest treasure of Gothic architecture in Paris. It is amazing to realize that this tiny island, created by a fork in the Seine, was the kingdom of France in its entirety 900 years ago! The land which today forms the republic of France was divided into duchys and controlled by feudal families in medeival times. The deep bellow of a ships horn sounds an alarm and brings me immediately out of my daydream......tourists on the Bateaux Mouches are shouting and waving to the crowds on the bridge as they pass underneath, photographs are being snapped hurriedly, and everyone is smiling. It's just another beautiful summer day on the Plages de Paris!

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