Sunday, July 11, 2010

Vrai ou Faux?

Upfront: All opinions expressed in the following text are based on my experiences as an American expat living in Paris during the last 3 years, as well as observations and opinions offered by my French friends. Of course, these are generalities, as exsist in every culture, and there are exceptions to every rule! That being said, let's play a little True or False. True or False: The French hate Americans. False! This myth is based in part on the aloof attitude of Parisians the average tourist encounters while on vacation abroad. Parisians are uptight to begin with, a bit neurotic and highly judgemental. When they stare you down with those furrowed brows and icy glare don't take it personal. It's them, not you. On the flip side, the french have an acute sense of american lust for consumption, waste, and how our policies affect the entire planet. But I haven't met a frenchman yet who doesn't dream of getting his kicks on Route 66! True or False: French women don't shave under their arms. Mostly False! Citing the exceptions to every rule clause, I will say that it is the norm for les française to defoliate the armpit area. This has been so since the 1960's. True or False: French men are the worlds best lovers. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha-excuse me-ha ha ha ha, False. True or False: The french produce the worlds best wine. True! (And I should know, I've tasted enough of it!) True or False: The french are lovers not fighters. False. Have you ever been in a queue with a parisian? But seriously, this perception was fomented during the occupation of France by Germany in the early 1940's. French soldiers have fought valiantly throughout centuries, whether it was for their King and Cross in a medieval Holy War, with the rebels in the New World against the tyranny of the English crown, or in WWI, which decimated french resources as well as the population. When Marshal Pétain signed the armistice with Germany in Vichy, it became an act of treason against France to join any army or orgainzed force of resistance against the occupation. Yet many defiant and courageous frenchmen and women joined General deGaulles Free France army, as well as any number of underground resistance organizations knowing full well that they were now traitors under the law, subject to torture and death. You can read the reactions of the french to Pétains folly on my blog entitled "l'Appel du 18 Juin" (the slideshow). Don't forget to vote on this weeks question: Do french women get fat? Vote in sidebar, find out the real truth next sunday!

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