Friday, July 30, 2010

Your Friday night French Ro-Com Part 3: "Mr. Low-key"

Waiting in a queue for a taxi on a Saturday night in Paris requires not only a great deal of patience, but stamina as well. Forget hailing one off the street Manhattan style - its not going to happen - especially after 2 a.m. But with good company, armed with a wine buzz and a full pack of smokes, it becomes an event! It was a beautiful, balmy summer night and the crowds that trawl the always hectic Quartier Latin were beginning to thin. "Low" and I made our way to the Boulevard St. Michel, and together with scores of drunken college kids and tourists located the taxi stand. It was to be a long wait as the fine weather had seduced us all into a state of euphoria, causing half of Paris to forget the metro closes at two. Not really wanting to go home but unable to escape the inevitable, we lined up and waited our turn for the next available cab. It had been an evening unexpected, serendipitous even. I had no idea that an afternoon of errands and a chance meeting on a terrace would turn into a very long walk and moments of sweet romance after midnight. But this being Paris, one must be prepared for anything! We had discovered we had much in common, the not least of which being our love of people watching. We were in prime location, a loud and lively group of "twenty-somethings" were laughing and flirting, taking us back to the day when our hearts were full of frivolity. A very elegant elderly couple strolled by arm in arm, he sporting a cravat, she perfectly coiffed and in pearls, reminding me of what I hoped to be one day. (Elegant that is.) The man next to us was attempting to bum a smoke, a national sport second only to a good manifestation. Low put his arms around me and we shared an embrace, more affectionate than crotch grinding. (5 bonus points) He gently rocked me as I snuggled my head into the nape of his neck, and suddenly everyone disappeared, fading into the night like ghosts. I shut my eyes and listened to the music of the city; cars passing by - some vibrating with the rhythmic beat of hip hop - the belaboured roar of the last city bus departing with it's late night cargo, silly young girls calling to cute boys from their fourth story balconies. In my reverie I hadn't noticed we were next in line for a taxi! Without breaking his embrace, Low kissed me lightly and pressed his forehead to mine. Looking downward, he asked me if I had plans for the next day. "I would love to take you to lunch" he suggested, "and walk around town a bit..." Fortuitously I had no pressing engagements for the following day, and I accepted his invitation. He told me to call his hotel in the morning, and we would plan to meet around noon. Just then a taxi pulled up. Low kissed me quickly goodnight, and opened the door for me. "I'll take the next one" he said, and the gentleman that he is, discreetly slipped 20 euro into my hand. "Will this be enough to get you home?" (another 5 points) I thanked him and he leaned in for one last kiss, lingering as we already staked out the cab. We looked deeply into each others eyes and smiled, and I cupped the side of his face gently with my hand. One more sweet kiss and he shut the door, I gave the driver my address, and with a wave I was on my way home. I leaned my head back and relaxed, gazing out the window at the lights reflecting off the Seine as we made our way to the peripherique and toward the banlieus (suburbs). The magnificent Grand Palais was glowing in the distance, magical and impressive. The french know how to light their monuments, their luminescence keeps the city alive long after her residents have gone to sleep. Mozart provided the perfect ambiance, and I rolled the window down to feel the air caress me as I floated home in my chariot. I had the feeling that tomorrow was going to be a very good day! But what was I going to wear? A little summer dress with strappy sandals? Jeans and sensible walking shoes? (He seemed to love walking). What the hell am I going to wear?! Find out all the juicy details of my sunday afternoon with "Low" next week on your "Friday night French Ro-Com". A bientot!

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